Tsilivi is a popular tourist hotspot in Zakynthos. This is among the busiest tourist resorts that you can find around Zante. Tsilivi is located in close proximity to Zante Town as well. if you are looking for a place in Zakynthos to experience a quality holiday, you may think about coming all the way to Tsilivi. At Tsilivi, you can find peaceful and beautiful surroundings. There are lots of activities available at Tsilivi for you to explore. On the other hand, Tsilivi offers satisfying entertainment choices as well. Therefore, we can highly recommend Tsilivi for couples and families.
At Tsilivi beach, you can find a large number of activities to engage with and keep yourself busy. For example, you can go on a speedboat ride and explore Smugglers Cove and Blue Caves. On the other hand, you will be able to spend time at the cafes that offers multiple activities such as bowling. There is a mini-golf court as well. If you want to get a unique experience, you can go to the reptile house, which has over 50 different retiles. There are lots of activities available for kids to engage with in Tsilivi as well. You can also find lots of studios, hotels, and apartments around Tsilivi.
Since Tsilivi is located in close proximity to the town, you can access it by land or sea. If you are visiting Tsilivi, you will have to rent a car or a scooter and travel in the Northeast direction from the city.